We intend to correct the miseducation of the Human Race with the facts. Young Black Men have not been exposed to the true nature of the ancestral heritage. This educational forum will be a righting of the historical record. We will employ all five senses in the learning process, videos, written/spoken word, Rap, Dance and food.
There will be two sessions a week, date, time and venue to be determined. Sessions will begin with a round table community forum/discussion; designed to bring pressing issues to the fore for examination and teachable moments.- Week 1. Self-Mastery. Who are you? Disciplining the mind, body and spirit. You are responsible for you, your values/principles. Skills Sets and personal competencies. Science/math. Personality and Character. Health and hygiene. Germ and bacteria management. Diet vitamin and mineral intake. Eat to succeed.
- Week 2. Self-Mastery. How are you connected to me? Who are we? Cultural affinity. Mastering the space you occupy.
- Week 3. Manhood. What it means to be Protector, Provider , Companion and Warrior Scholar. Father, husband, son, brother. Friend/adversary. How we view fear/manhood today. Contemporary passage of rights. Historical Passage of Rights. Transitioning from Boy/Child to Man/King/Warrior/Scholar. Duties, Rights and Privileges.
- Week 4. White Supremacy/Institutional Racism. What that is. Its origin and how it is sustained. Other man constructed isms that now act as fetters on the human race and is especially destructive to young Black Men.
- Week 5. Mastering the Space you occupy. Power. What it is. Where it comes from. How to achieve, maintain and use it under present day conditions.
- Week 6. Historical Worldview. The naked facts of human evolution on the planet seen from the prespective of “Dese Wise Men’.
- Week 7. Save ourselves. Communal prescriptions for solutions to identifiable problems.
- Week 8. Vision for success. Where to from here? What do you want? What institutions must be created? Financial/economic? Educational? Security?
- Week 9. Implementation. How do we organize to recreate our communities to be safe havens to live, thrive and be successful?
- Week 10. Patriarchy. The paradigm of Might makes Right, that we have lived under for thousands of years. How do we rectify that historical error and Scale up a new model under construction to lead and free the rest of the Men of the world?