DATE: MAY 16, 2020
TIME: 3:00PM
Due to the disparities on the African American community of Philadelphia of death from the coronavirus, we are going to have a Citywide Caravan Motorcade in North, South, West, Southwest and Northwest Philadelphia.
The purpose of the Caravan Motorcade is to go to the hot spots in our communities where our brothers and sisters are not adhering to social distancing and other instructions that have been given by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to prevent the spread of the virus.
We will give out masks, hand sanitizer, and palm cards with valuable information that will inform our brothers and sisters of what they need to do to protect themselves and their family members from the virus.
Also, we will speak to our community about the concerns we have in reference to the murder and mayhem that is continuing in spite of the coronavirus. The city has seen a 16% increase in murders as compared to this time last year.