Henry Something
Leroy Muhammad - Manager of Education
Deborah L. Kelly, M.Ed., CPE received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Business Education from Temple University. She is a Certified Parenting Educator and a Cooperative Education Coordinator. Ms. Kelly is author of the book, The Turnaround: Parenting Tips for Improving Your Child’s Academic Success, How to Make Your Child Smarter, Learning-Ready, and Nonviolent. She taught various business subjects at the high school level until retiring in 2011. She presently facilitates parenting workshops for parents/caregivers and conducts parenting classes for residents in the Phoenix Correctional Institution; she, also, presently facilitates career readiness workshops for teenage young adults, and she facilitates MenzFit’s employment readiness workshops for unemployed and underemployed men, some of whom are juvenile lifers.
Ms. Kelly taught pedagogical skills to vocational teachers and taught severely emotionally disturbed students, as well as tutored elementary school students in math and English. She taught English in the AFNA summer program and wrote parenting articles for a community newspaper. She is also listed in “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers” in the 2005-2006 Edition.
Ms. Kelly has been married forty-three years and has raised two college graduates. She believes your inner thoughts become your self-fulfilling prophesy. Additionally, she says how you perceive the future shapes your present behavior, so you shouldn’t let your failures define you. Her motto is, “Liking yourself is half the battle.”

Community Vision Project
THE BLACK MALE COMMUNITY COUNCIL OF PHILADELPHIA TRUSTED SERVANTS OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY Community Vision Project Concept The concept for the Community Vision Project is to create a virtual video media campaign that will produce provocative and substantive videos from people of African decent. This is an opportunity to create

PLEDGE OF VALUES I Pledge to join together as a family, community and race. I Pledge to be responsible for our collective future. I Pledge to build our communities together and solve any problems as a group. I Pledge that our community will build and profit from its own businesses.

Stakeholders Letter
Dear Community Stakeholders, This letter is a formal invitation to our “Boots on the Ground” 1st 90-day report and recommendations forum of the Black Male Community Council of Philadelphia. The forum will take place Thursday, September 12, 2019, Time 6:00pm at Triumph Baptist Church, Located at Germantown and Huntington Park